Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Start Here - What Do I Have Against Plexus?

So, who am I, and what do I have against Plexus?

I'm a relatively science-minded, thirty-something stay at home mom who just really dislikes the MLM (multi-level marketing) business model. Despite people claiming emphatically that MLMs are NOT pyramid schemes, they are. Many of my friends have joined an MLM as their "business on the side" to earn a little extra cash, and there's not much I despise more than predatory marketing disguised as a way to help moms make money for their families. 99% of MLM recruits will lose money, with only a tiny percentage of people at the very top making money--all on the backs of everyone in their "pyramid." It's despicable. And I want to do something to try and stop it. Enter: this blog.

I'll be totally honest, there are lots of MLMs that I dislike, but the ones most vile to me are those that make ridiculous health claims. Therefore, my focus is on Plexus, because the kinds of things I see my friends post about it are absolutely ridiculous. Ridiculous enough that I wanted to create a blog specifically to debunk it, without anyone being able to claim, "Look deeper! She's selling you something." But the same kind of things could be said for Nerium, Young Living, DoTerra, Advocare, Arbonne, and others, and maybe, at some point in time, I'll also include some debunking of those companies and their products.

Let me be absolutely clear: I AM NOT SELLING ANYTHING. I'm not trying to make Plexus "look bad" so I can sell you my fancy new fad diet plan. Nope. I have absolutely nothing to gain here, except the satisfaction of preventing someone from wasting their hard-earned money on a scam. I just really, really dislike lies and misinformation masquerading as truth.

What's my goal? Simply stated, it's to show inquiring minds that the Plexus "pink drink" is nothing more than glorified--and very expensive--Crystal Light. And no, I have no ties to Crystal Light. Go ahead and buy the Great Value generic version, or any other brand of sugar free drink mixes that you like. The only difference with Plexus is that it's made with stevia, and Crystal Light is made with aspartame. I understand a lot of people hate aspartame and think it will kill you (which, by the way, isn't true) ... and I know some people don't like it because it gives them a headache, or tastes gross to them, (etc.).  I'm all for people being able to have a choice in the matter. You can type something like "sugar free drink mix with stevia" on Google or Amazon, you'll get some results. Much, much cheaper results than Plexus.

If you want to spend $90+ per month on a glorified Crystal Light, be my guest. It's a free country.

However, as I get the time (I am a busy stay at home mom, after all, and my kids do need attention from me), I'm going to publish posts that show why the Plexus products are not worth it, and why the Plexus Slim "pink drink" is not some kind of miracle weight loss drink. Or even "natural," as they claim. And why it's a big red flag that they won't do any clinical studies to back up their ridiculous claims.

You will not lose weight drinking Plexus, assuming you are already eating a pretty healthy, balanced diet in which you do not eat too many calories. The only way you would lose weight drinking Plexus is if you used it to replace your habit of drinking soda, or juice, or coffee with creamer, etc. But guess what? The same thing would happen if you replaced those things with a diet soda. Or...WATER. No need to spend $90+ per month on something that can be replaced with good ol' dihydrogen monoxide, a.k.a. H20, a.k.a. water (unless, as I mentioned above, you want to. Free country and all that).

I honest-to-goodness care about people, and I don't want them wasting their money or falling for a scam. People rave about Plexus because they have something to gain--your money, and possibly your partnership, which would earn them more money. And they're not necessarily bad people. They're your friends, they probably aren't actively trying to scam you, they've just fallen for the scam themselves. I rail against Plexus because I recognize the truth about it, not because I have anything to gain.

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